Our office will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Sunbiz, the Florida Division of Corporations, is performing a scheduled maintenance from 5 PM on Friday, January 17th until 8 AM on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025.
Due to this maintenance when entering your Registration Number on our website you may receive a message:
"Invalid document number. The registration number you entered is not correct".
Once their maintenance has been completed you will be able to place an order on our website.
Orders for Fictitious Names expiring this year must be placed with us by Sunday, December 29th, 2024 by 11:59PM ET in order to be renewed.
After this cutoff time you will need to re-register your fictitious name since it will not be able to be renewed.
We are waiving the 3-day hold for Renewal Orders with Fictitious Names expiring this year.
If you place a Renewal Order during our normal business hours the order will be processed the same day.
Our office will be closed Monday, December 25th, 2023 in observance of Christmas and Monday, January 1st, 2024 in observance of New Year's.
Our office will be closed Friday, November 10th, 2023 in observance of Veterans Day
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are NOT required to purchase anything from our company and our company is NOT affiliated, endorsed, or approved by any governmental entity.
The services offered on this website have NOT been approved or endorsed by any governmental agency, and these services are NOT being made by an agency of the government.

Florida Fictitious Name Renewal

Florida Statute: Fictitious Name Act, s. 865.09(5)(a) Term

In accordance with Florida Statute: Fictitious Name Act, s. 865.09(5)(a) A fictitious name registered under this section shall be valid for a period beginning on the date of registration or reregistration and expiring on December 31 of the 5th calendar year thereafter, counting the period from registration or reregistration through December 31 of the year of registration or reregistration as the first calendar year.

Florida Statute: Fictitious Name Act, s. 865.09(6) Renewal

Furthermore under s. 865.09(6)(a) Renewal of a fictitious name registration shall occur on or after January 1 and on or before December 31 of the expiration year. Upon timely filing of a renewal statement, the effectiveness of the name registration is continued for 5 years as provided in subsection (5).

Under 865.09(6)(c) If a registrant of the fictitious name registration fails to timely file a renewal and pay the appropriate processing fees on or before December 31 of the year of expiration, the fictitious name registration expires. Furthermore, under s. 865.09(9)(c) Any person who fails to comply with this section commits a noncriminal violation as defined in s. 775.08, punishable as provided in s. 775.083.

If you fail to file the renewal, your registration will expire. An expired fictitious name cannot be renewed or reinstated. You must file for a new fictitious name.

In compliance with the Florida Statute, Florida Fictitious Name Publishing will renew your fictitious name, at your request, for a fee, so that your fictitious name will remain active for 5 years, in accordance with the Fictitious Name Act, s. 865.09(5)(a).

When you renew your fictitious name you can change the Mailing Address, County, FEI/EIN Number, and Owner Information. The only thing you cannot change is the Fictitious Name itself.

Please Note: Due to law change effective July 1, 2017, a fictitious name registration may not be renewed if the registered name contains a business entity suffix or indicator (i.e. Corporation, Incorporated, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership, Professional Association, Corp., L.L.C., L.P., P.A., etc.) unless at least one registrant is a business entity of the same type duly incorporated, organized, formed, or otherwise authorized to transact business in this state.

If registered fictitious name contains a business entity suffix or indicator, unless a business entity of the same type duly incorporated, organized, formed or otherwise authorized to transact business in this state is added as an owner, a cancellation and reregistration will need to be filed.

Step 1 – Search for Fictitious Name

Enter your registration number below, including the “G”, then click “Submit”.

Registration Number:

  1. If you receive a “Invalid document number” message then you have entered the wrong registration number.
  2. It is possible that you have two registration numbers. For example, if you registered your fictitious name in 2007, then you did not renew your fictitious name in 2012, but you re-registered your fictitious name in 2014 you will have a registration number on your Sunbiz profile that starts with G07 but since you re-registered your fictitious name in 2014 you will also have a registration number that will start with G14.

Step 2 – Review your Fictitious Name Information

Step 3 – Complete the order form